Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Whether You is My Mate???

version : Indonesia

Life is full of surprises, at least for me. It all started from the conversation between me and my mom a month ago,  mom was eating breakfast and she suddenly opened the conversation. 
"Until when I had to take care of you, Bram?" mom's question stunned me . 
"You mean M0m?" I looked at Mom. Trying to guess the direction of the conversation. 
"Well, is not the time for a woman who accompanied your breakfast?" Mom smiled at me. 
Maybe it was the time I got married. This year I was 30 years.Earned as a manager in one of the foreign companies is sufficient to settle down. Moreover, the awaited? This question is very often heard from relatives or colleagues.

I smiled a little.

"mom know, you feel responsible to the Mom and the girls. But do not forget that one. Mira was married, Dewi juga. While Mom is more than enough to receive attention. Mom is very grateful to have a kid like you. "

I was silent.

"Bram, and DAD untrust Mira and Dewi ... also Mom ..." Dad whispered softly a day before his death, 10 years ago. At that time, she had just entered the vocational school and junior Dewi is still first class. Since then, my days fill with hard work to provide for the family.

"Bram ..." She waited for my reply.

"Yes, yes, Ma ..."

Mom was right. No more reason for me to postpone plans for a family. Dewi has been married three months ago. I have competed  Dad's mandate . The question is, who the woman who would marry? I was never dating. I'm afraid that is not stuck doing good deeds. Alternative candidates are also absent. So who will i apply?
That night, Laras suddenly appeared in my dreams . So clear. Laras? I was dumbfounded. Laras is a friend in college. It's almost 2 semestar, i back to collage in one of the University in Jakarta. He is very intelligent and rational. He also often criticizing in discussions in the lecture hall.

"I think the theory which you use to analyze this issue is not appropriate. Too forced ... "Comments Laras when membantaiku previous week rang in my ears again. Comments that say it always makes me politely gelagapan. His comments are always logical, scientific and hard to deny. Already many times me and my friends be critized

Yes, why should Laras? Women are so strong and calm personality, until no man dared to establish a closer relationship with him. Laras actually good, very good. He never hesitate to help others or say rude. But I really hesitate to deal with it. Moreover, imagine must propose to her.

The dream also leaves a question for me? Is Laras my mate? Or I secretly liked it so figure Laras appears in my dreams. I hesitated.

Two weeks later, Mom asked for clarification from me.

"How, Bram?". I was only able to smile wryly.

"No candidate? What should Mom do? "Mom looked at me.

I stammered. "No, Ma. I will try to find himself alone. "Mom smiled.I sighed with relief. For a while I managed to calm Mama.

That night I dreamed again, in my dreams I walk side by side with the Laras. So close. Laras smile. Sweet and very gentle. The dream again! I woke up before three o'clock in the morning. Still had time to form a strange feeling I felt when I woke up. Beautiful!

Is it  Laras my mate

? The question was again playing in my mind. I tried to probe again the clarity of my heart. Really I'm not obsessed to the Laras? I parse the return all of my interaction with Laras. Since its first meeting. 

"I'm Laras!" He introduces himself with a straightforward, without a smile. Also, without a handshake. I just nodded.

"Bram." I mention my name. Cold, but pretty decent. That was my first impression. He is not fussy like a flirt or two women I've ever known. As I recall, there never was a special moment between me and Laras. It's really just the relationship between friends in college. I'm even more familiar with Susie, another college friend. I also never felt 'weird' when interacting or passed him. Even when I nearly collided with him. All natural and casual.

So? I still remain skeptical. I decided to wait until really feel confident. And during the wait for it, there was an event that increasingly makes me feel shriveled face Lalas.

"Sorry ..." Laras show of hands. All eyes were on him. I held my breath. What he would say this time. I'm excited to wait his comments on a paper that i presented


"In my opinion, this paper does not meet the scientific qualifications." The words were spoken with a tone of apology. I was shocked. This paper was I prepared to rush. My job in the office are stacked. Some friends murmured. My teachers a little smile. He was already ca face Laras.

I feel offended and humiliated. This is the sharpest comment that laras ever asked me. Although then I can accept it when she explained the weaknesses argumentative papers.

That incident made me even more hesitant. I do not know, maybe I was not ready to have a wife who can critized me any time. Or questioned my policy as a husband. I did not like it used to be questioned. My position as the oldest child and the backbone of the family to make my sisters and Mom treated me as special.Even if they do not agree with me, there never was simply expressed disapproval. Likewise with subordinates in the office.

I do not dare to face after the incident. So, for a while I had to calm down again. But the insistence of the mother three days ago made me compelled to act.

"Bram, maybe it's time mom help you. Already a month, and you have also acted nothing. Mom is getting old, Bram. Lately, Mom more often sick. Mom does not want to happen was something about Mom before you get married ... "Mom said, half pleading. I looked down.

"Bram ..."

I looked at mom. Mom sighed. I waited for Mom to speak.

"If three more days there is no decision, I'll look for candidates for you. Do you know Nita? daugther of Mrs. Retno? Nita well, you know ... she's also beautiful and educated ... "Bla ... bla ... bla. Nearly fifteen minutes Mom told me about Nita. I know Nita. Nita is good, but not the point. I want to solve the problem Laras first.

There is no other way. Finally, i established my heart to speak with the Laras. But, how? Over the phone? Laras phone number I do not have. Or, to talk with him directly? What should i do if she refuses and critizice as he massacred my papers?

Finally, I decided to ask for a phone number Laras from Susie. I managed to dodge the question by giving a kind smile Susie strange. Fortunately, he did not inquire further.

That night, I tried calling Laras. I held my Hp with a feeling not known. With trembling hands I called him.

"Hello!" Her voice was firm. Suddenly I was not ready to talk to him.

"Hello! Hello! "

I shut down my Hp. Looser! I muttered to myself. I'm really helpless.

"Bram, time to live today." She looked at me seriously when I said goodbye this morning.

"Yes, Ma. I'm trying to do. "I replied doubtfully.

So, today, would not want me to talk with the Laras. I went to campus with a nervousness. Up on campus, I looked around for Laras. her figure was not visible until classes begin. Approximately fifteen minutes after classes begin, Laras appear. He was heading towards me and took the place beside me, the only place left empty that afternoon. Laras sat quietly next to and immediately following the lecture. I'm getting nervous. My body began to sweat.

Lecture over. I waited for a chance to talk to him. I deliberately slow down to pack while you are waiting. One by one college friend left the room. Finally, after a fairly quiet room, I could bring myself to talk to him.

"Laras! May I speak? "

Laras stop busy clearing the books and a few scattered papers.

"Yes." He continued his work without looking at me at all.

My hands were shaking. My voice stuck in his throat.

"Can I help you?" Laras is finally looking at me. He began to look impatient with my attitude. He had finished cleaning his books.

I still could not speak. Sweat soaked my body getting cold. I'm really nervous.

"Bram!" Laras voice rising.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm down for a moment. Yudi, the only friend who was still in the lecture hall turned toward us.

"La .. ras ..." My voice faltered.

Laras looked at me puzzled.

"Um ... would you ... um ... Marry me?" I stammered. Finally, these words also came out of my mouth.

Laras looked at me strangely. He looked down, thought for a moment. I waited. It was like waiting for a verdict.

"I thought, that's not a good idea." He said after several minutes of silence. "Me first, Bram .."

I was stunned. I was also stunned when suddenly Yudi patted my shoulder.

"Is not there a more romantic way, man?" Yudi smile. I'm embarrassed.

Thus, the my pairing processc torced to run aground in the middle of the road. I'm not heartbroken. Of course, since I did not ever fall in love with the Laras. But I admit, I was pretty upset by this fact. Apparently, I'm not smart enough or my way is not good?purpose in the lecture hall without a prologue as it is very naive.

That afternoon I came home with a limp. Mom sat on the terrace, is engrossed with the evening paper and a cup of hot tea. After kissing the hands of Mom, I threw the body in the chair.

Maybe Mom can catch my bitterness

. Mom stroked my hair. I'm glad Mom did not open talks on my pairiing. I'm not ready. 

Throughout the afternoon I tried to calm himself. I tried to be realistic face this reality. I believe, God will provide a companion for me.

My mind is still uncertain when I woke up this morning. Finally, I decided to talk to mom. After all, Nita nice girl too.

I preceded to talk before she asked about my decision.

"Ma ..."

"Yes? Why, Bram? "

"I ..." I pause. I'm just going to continue what I said when an incoming message. I reached for HP lying on the table with reluctance.


What else was going to say now? Pounding I opened the message.

After I think about anymore, you're not too bad idea. The offer still valid?

I was stunned. Life is full of surprises. 
The issue was the problem dating attitudes and one's view of marriage itself. Mate does not need too worry, it's time that he would come pick up, but you also need to open an alleys for easy pick it up and not blocked.

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